At the age of 22, I first met my official Sensei, my teacher Shihan Andre Maldonado. Andre came into my life when I wasn't sure of what direction I was going. After a couple of years, Andre taught me wonderful Katas that would set a foundation of immersion into various disciplines, always honoring my teacher by not trying to master the teacher, but to learn the technique. That humility I learned from Shihan gave me the tools to continue learning, even after 3 decades of "getting better."
I'm still in love with all things "movement." Many people are often conflicted by how gentle and loving my approach is to fitness, never once considering how much my lifetime education of the fragility of life and how a resilient heart is more important than big muscles.
People have come and gone in my various journeys, but the mentors in my life will always stay. I look forward to sharing my experience, strength and hope through fitness and help one person at a time become better people through the "5 R's" of fitness: Recovery, Reset, Regenerate, Restructure, Reignite.